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Dry Rock Trees & Nursery

Scotch Pine Seedlings

Scotch Pine Seedlings

Regular price $4.25 USD
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Scotch Pine Seedlings (Pinus Sylvestris)

Spring 2025 Ordering available


What you get:

An all naturally grown (no chemical fertilizers or pesticides used),  plug seedling of 3-6 inches size. See About Our Trees & Plants for Details.

When you get:

Ships during the Spring or Fall each seasonal year according to your zone.  Select your shipping season during order.

Product Information:

The Scotch Pine (also called Scots Pine) is an excellent choice for a tough environment with an attractive shape.  It has 1- 1 1/2 needles with a brownish/red or orange colored bark.  Its original habitat from the Northern Europe and Eurasian range helped it develop a tolerance to high altitudes, poor soils, cold temperatures, and low moisture.  Those characteristics make it a good choice for Wyoming and many areas of the Northwest USA.  It has a good growth rate and is popular in the US for Christmas tree production.  Scotch pine does require full sun, but its faster growth rate make a good choice for windbreaks.

Quick Info:

Zones - 3-7 
Sun - Full
 Altitude Range (Approximate) --- Sea Level - 8500 feet (0m-2600m)
 Soil - Coarse to Medium textured - Tolerant of poor soils
 Ph Range - 5.0 - 7.5
 Moisture - Medium (24-45 inches precipitation annually)
 Size - 20 year height - 30 feet, at maturity 110 feet
 Growth - Moderate 12 - 24 inches annually
 Age - 150 - 300 years but older specimens exist

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