Welcome to Dry Rock Trees & Nursery. Your source for all natural evergreen trees! *** Free shipping on orders over $100 *** The spring ordering season is now over. Most varieties we have are sold out and no longer available for spring 2024 shipping. We have begun listing our Fall 2024 stock for sale and will be updating it further over the next few days. Thank you very much for your support! We are increasing our inventory to help accommodate more customers in the future! *** Free shipping on orders over $100. *** Free local delivery to Cheyenne!

Scotch Pine Seedlings

Regular price $4.25

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Scotch Pine Seedlings (Pinus Sylvestris)

Fall 2024 Ordering available

3-6" Size discontinued

What you get:

An all naturally grown (no chemical fertilizers or pesticides used),  plug seedling of 3-6 inches size. See About Our Trees & Plants for Details.

When you get:

Ships during the Spring or Fall each seasonal year according to your zone.  Select your shipping season during order.

Product Information:

The Scotch Pine (also called Scots Pine) is an excellent choice for a tough environment with an attractive shape.  It has 1- 1 1/2 needles with a brownish/red or orange colored bark.  Its original habitat from the Northern Europe and Eurasian range helped it develop a tolerance to high altitudes, poor soils, cold temperatures, and low moisture.  Those characteristics make it a good choice for Wyoming and many areas of the Northwest USA.  It has a good growth rate and is popular in the US for Christmas tree production.  Scotch pine does require full sun, but its faster growth rate make a good choice for windbreaks.

Quick Info:

Zones - 3-7 
Sun - Full
 Altitude Range (Approximate) --- Sea Level - 8500 feet (0m-2600m)
 Soil - Coarse to Medium textured - Tolerant of poor soils
 Ph Range - 5.0 - 7.5
 Moisture - Medium (24-45 inches precipitation annually)
 Size - 20 year height - 30 feet, at maturity 110 feet
 Growth - Moderate 12 - 24 inches annually
 Age - 150 - 300 years but older specimens exist